Calung is a prototype musical instrument type of idiofon made of bamboo. This instrument is known and developed in Banyumas and Sunda. Calung is a prototype musical instrument type of idiofon made of bamboo. This instrument is known and developed in Banyumas and Sunda. Unlike the angklung that is played by shaking, the way to beat the calung is by hitting the blades or segments (bamboo tubes) arranged according to the pentatonic barrel titas (da-mi-na-ti-la for the Sundanese people, and ji-ro -lu-ma-nem for Banyumas community). Bamboo type for making calung most of awi wulung (black bamboo), but some are made from awi temen (bamboo ater, green).
Calung is divided into three types, namely:
1. Calung Gambang
The shape of the Calung Gambang is shaped like an emblem, but it does not use a standard (plot), but its placement sequence is dragged by a rope tied to a tree or pole and the other end is tied at the waist.
2. Calung Gamelan
Calung gamelan is a type of calung that develops as a type of calung that has been incorporated to form the orchestra, while for other names in Sumedang called Salentrong also found in Banyumas.
3. Calung Jingjing
Calung's presentation form is a packaging of the development and form of calung basa staging which is attended by Calung Melodi, Calung Pengiring, Calung Jenglong, and Calung Besar that serves as a kempul and gong.
In calung jinjing there are several names and the role of calung that is played, including:
The person holding in this type of calung is the person who is regarded as the one who gives the most elaborate rhythm among the other types of calung, the person who hold this calung is called as the Dalang. In a show, the dalang becomes a spokesperson.
the second, that is portable jinjing type router. This calung is the key of all calung. This successor calung totaling 7 bamboo blades, and the way the game is quite easy because it only hit a bamboo blade. But the manner of striking him must be in accordance with the tap or tone produced by the singer.
This calung is calung that completes the first penugus calug. can be regarded as a variation of the first successor calung. Calung this type also numbered 7 bamboo blades on one stitch. Calung is what makes the rame in a sound that it produces, because sometimes this sound can beat the other calung sounds.
In calung also there are called gongs. this gong is different from the other calung, because this calung only two blah in one puncture calung. gong also sebgai bench run of the game calung. Because the gong is the rhythm to start and end the tone that is being sung by the singer. Where when the gong tone rings then automatically the singer's voice immediately moved to the next note.
In calung there is also a drum. Drum in calung it is very pentin because if calung not dikuturi by drum there will be less. Because drum is the element of calung that makes the desired atmosphere becomes more visible. Drums can also be used as a reference tone for all calung and singer.
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